I need to find my own Magic Bus

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

Se rompe el bloqueooo!!!

Bueno aqui solo un pseudo poema, en un atractivo spanglish, por lo cual admito que deberia dedicarme a mi medio castellano antes que a mi medio ingles. Nada mas para decir que disfruten este pequeño escrito, comenten, y es GOOD TO BE BACK.

Pronto estare subiendo algun nuevo escrito seguramente.


Why do i like to be a human??

To walk in the mist, not knowing what will happen tomorrow.

To dream an wake up whit a smile

To wipe off my despair...whit a precious tear down my cheek.

To love. to breed. to think

To understand that we are nothing, but we feel like so much.

Is not vane to be human.

Is not vane that we wonder in the dark.

For we seek that bright light in the future... knowing that it may never come.

Why do i like to be a human??

To suffer... to die.

Maybe just to be everything to someone, perhaps will make it worth our while...

NOTA 2: si se necesita traduccion avisen!!! jajaja. Todo bien, y COMENTEN QUE LES PARECIO